Salvation Is God's Gift

Salvation Is God’s Gift

Genesis 3 recounts the story of the fall of humanity, when Adam’s sin condemned the world to a cycle of sin and despair, punctuated by death. It is because of Adam’s actions that we inherited the proclivity to sin (see Romans 3:23). But rather than leave us doomed to the consequences of sin, God has promised us rebirth and new life (see Romans 6:23). This is not something we deserve; rather, it is a gift that is given to us — an example of the true and abiding love that God has for his creation (see Ephesians 2:8 – 9).

Take some time to consider the enormity of that statement. Even though we failed God’s commands, even though we fell short of God’s expectations for us, God still had enough love for us that he offered us a way out of the cycle. That way out is Jesus Christ, who bridges the gap between human and divine as the mediator of a new relationship between God and humanity: a covenant of life rather than one of death (see Hebrews 12:24).

Taken from NIV Essentials of the Christian Faith 

Devotional content: 
Romans 6:23


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