
Showing posts from April, 2018

Learning from Failure

Scriptures: Luke 22:31-34   The disciple Peter was a man of great faith and bold action. But as readers of the New Testament know, his brash style sometimes led him to make humiliating mistakes. More than once, this disciple had to wear the label of "miserable failure" rather than that of "obedient servant." We can all relate when it comes to falling short of expectations. Obedience to God is a learning process, and failure is a part of our development as humble servants. When we yield to temptation or rebel against God's authority, we realize that sin has few rewards, and even those are fleeting. Failure is an excellent learning tool, as Peter could certainly attest. Through trial and error, he discovered that humility is required of believers (John 13:5-14) ; that God's ways are higher than the world's ways (Mark 8:33) ; and that one should never take his eyes off Jesus (Matt. 14:30) . He took each of those lessons to heart and thereb...

Protected and Lifted Up

Receive Today's passage: Psalm 145   “The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. The LORD upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.”   Psalm 145:13-14 Reflect *. How can I remain fearful or overwhelmed by life's pressures when the Lord is very near? *. Do I truly believe that God "satisfies the desires of every living thing"? *. Do I praise God even during times of trouble? Notice that this psalm doesn't promise that we will live a burden-free life, unscathed by grief or suffering. The fact is, God doesn't promise us a life free from suffering ... but He does promise to be with us during those hard times, and to lift us up out of darkness. Psalm 145 makes it clear: We will fall ... but we will also be lifted up again. The key is that we need to reach out to God, to "call on Him," trusting that He will love us, care for us, and rescue us. God can't help us unless we f...

A Dark Sabbath

Scriptures: John 19:31-42   Just as Christ once rested in the stern of a boat through a raging storm, He rested in the tomb as storms raged within His disciples. A day after Jesus’ death, fear, doubt, and grief must have cycled endlessly through their minds. Memories of their lives with Him must have played there too: how it felt to stand upon a rolling sea, to feed thousands with a few loaves of bread, or to see Lazarus’ burial clothes heaped in the dirt. No doubt their hearts grew sick with confusion as they contemplated these things. The disciples’ feeble faith shouldn’t surprise us, because if we’re honest, we see it in ourselves. The “little of faith,” as Jesus often called them, failed to believe or remember things the Lord said of Himself—that He’d lay down His life and take it up again. Had His followers faithfully held these things in their hearts, that Sabbath day might have been a time of joyful anticipation. At times in our lives, God may seem absent, b...

I Am God's Unique Creation

Receive Today's passage: Psalm 139   “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  Psalm 139:13-14 Reflect *. I'm a unique creation God placed here for the purpose of His design. Do I truly believe this--even when I feel stuck? *. How can the truth of this help to get me unstuck? *. How can I figure out what God's unique purpose is for me? We all suffer through periods when we feel lost, unmoored, and without direction. We flounder, wondering if we are on the right path, or whether there is even a path meant specifically for us at all. We might even begin to doubt God's presence in our lives. In dark times like these it's more important than ever to return to Scripture, so we can read with our own eyes exactly how involved and in tune God is with each one of us. He searches us and knows us. He kn...

The God Who Forgives

Scriptures: Matthew 6:9-13   Jesus Christ gave His followers a pattern for prayer that includes seeking forgiveness daily. The invitation to regular repentance is not a means of renewing our salvation, but rather a maintenance plan for our fellowship with the Lord. When we trust Jesus as our Savior, our sins are forgiven forever. The stains from our past, present, and future wrongs are wiped from our record; however, we're a fallen people so we do continue to commit sin. With the exception of Jesus Christ, no person is perfect. Sin is simply a fact of human life. The Lord's payment for our transgressions means that we can look forward to an eternity spent in God's presence instead of getting the punishment we deserve. On this side of heaven, though, we still have to contend with our tendency to do wrong--and we must also deal with the consequences. The Lord's admonition to seek daily forgiveness is a reminder to confess our sins and turn away from them because...

The God Who Saves

Scriptures: Ephesians 2:8-9   Recently I was talking with a fellow about his spiritual life. When I asked, "Are you saved?" he answered, "No, but I'm working at it." When I pressed him, he explained that he was making some changes in his life. He had given up smoking and drinking, among other things. I knew that I should help him understand a few important principles, as his only guarantee so far was better health. What this gentleman needed to realize was that what we do or what we give up for Jesus doesn't amount to much. The Lord isn't looking for people who change a few habits by sheer force of will; He's calling people to surrender themselves to Him. The only action God expects of a "seeker" is to believe in Jesus--that He is who He says, He will do what He says, He has the authority to forgive, and He will equip His people to live a godly life. Because of those convictions, a new Christian is empowered to turn away from ...

What Is Your True Purpose

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 16:6-13  What do you live for each day? A pay raise? Retirement? Then perhaps you've discovered the reality that basing aspirations on getting ahead in this world typically ends in disappointment. People with a misguided sense of direction often wonder why they feel unfulfilled. Maybe you've already realized a goal of saving for the future or moving up the corporate ladder. You give to charity and volunteer at church, but somehow still feel a sense of insignificance or aimlessness. If so, there is a truth you need to hear: God gives each of us life for a very specific reason: to serve Him. Nobody finds inner peace without reconciling this fact. Our society teaches us that pleasure, prosperity, position, and popularity will make us happy--but living in the service of self always leaves an emptiness no earthly reward can fill. Besides, worldly philosophy won't stand the test of time. Few of us are going to live even 100 years. So whatever ...

He Value of Seeking the Lord

Scriptures: Psalms 119:1-8  We all have ambitions and desires. And while these are not necessarily wrong, we should analyze our priorities: Where do I invest my time and energy? What or who occupies my thoughts? As important as our earthly pursuits, responsibilities, and relationships may be, they cannot compare to the value of a life spent seeking the Lord. First of all , consider what it means to seek something. The word connotes a strong desire and an energetic quest to achieve it.Suppose you discovered a very productive vein of gold on your property. You wouldn’t just stroll out and look at it occasionally. No, you would gather some equipment and diligently go out each day to chip away at the rocks and collect the precious metal. In the same way , seeking the Lord is not a quick and occasional encounter, but a wholehearted effort to know Him more intimately and follow Him more closely. Those who unreservedly pursue this kind of fellowship with God are determined...

Healing And Wholeness

Receive Today's passage: Luke 7:36-50 "Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven--for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little." Luke 7:47 Reflect *. Have I been set free by Christ's love? *. Have I allowed God into my darkest places? *. Have I allowed myself to experience the incredible liberation that comes with God's forgiveness and love? In order to be forgiven, we have to let the Forgiver in. Asking someone for forgiveness requires that we open ourselves up entirely, not only admitting our wrongdoing but also admitting our vulnerability, fear, and insecurities--our inner-most self, including all of our hang-ups, neuroses, and sins. Jesus knows how difficult this is. Just as He knew what a risk the prostitute took in approaching Him in humility and love to anoint His feet, He knows that when we truly ask for forgiveness we are opening ourselves up to a place of vulnerability and risk. Only tho...


Receive Today's passage: Psalm 103:8-13 “The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.”  Psalm 103:8 Reflect *. Do I trust the Lord's compassion for me? *. Do I really view God as a compassionate father or more as an all-powerful ruler? *. Is there a part of me that is afraid God will punish me? As flawed human beings who struggle to forgive those who have wronged us, it's hard to imagine a God who is so deeply and thoroughly all-forgiving. We might say we've forgiven a friend who has hurt us, but more often than not, deep down, we haven't truly let it go. God, on the other hand, genuinely forgives and relinquishes His anger. He lets it all go and offers us a clean slate, a fresh start, over and over again, no matter how many times we need it. As the old adage goes, "God forgives and forgets" --He doesn't hold our sins over our heads. Respond Ask for change : Lord, help me understand the depth and breadth of Your co...

A Heart for God A Vision for the World

Scriptures: Acts 13:16-22   I sometimes like to walk through a cemetery and read the epitaphs on the tombstones. It's interesting to see what words are used to sum up a person's life. This may seem like a morbid pastime, but it's actually a great way to reassess our own lives. We're each going to leave a testimony of some kind when we die. Have you ever wondered what your loved ones will write on your gravestone? What words do you want inscribed there? In our passage today, the apostle Paul tells us God's evaluation of David: He described him as "a man after My heart, who will do all My will" (v. 22). What an awesome testimony of a life well lived! The Lord wasn't describing a perfect man, but one whose life was centered on God's interests and desires. David's many psalms attest to the fact that his relationship with the Lord was the most important aspect of his life. His passion was to obey God and carry out His will. However,...

The Cross The Believer's Motivation

Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5   Paul was single-minded in the message he preached. The cross was not only his primary subject; it was also his motivation for living. When we begin to understand all that Jesus did for us at Calvary, we, too, can receive fresh motivation to live for Him. For instance, we can... Walk humbly before God . Since the power to live the Christian life is supplied by Christ, there is no room for pride. When Jesus died, our "flesh" nature was crucified with Him so that we could live in newness of life. Any success we achieve in living righteously or walking in obedience is possible only because He is working through us. Serve the Lord faithfully . At the cross, we were placed "in Christ," and He is in us (Gal. 2:20) . We are now His body on earth, created for good works which God has prepared for us to do (Eph. 2:10) . Jesus wasn’t crucified so we could sit in pews each Sunday and listen to sermons. He has specific tasks for each of us t...

A Way out of the Darkness

Receive Today's passage: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."  1 Corinthians 10:13 Reflect *. What new steps will I begin taking in order to enable success against the struggles I've faced repeatedly? *. Do I feel like I am tempted beyond what I can bear? *. What tools has God given me to help me withstand temptation? The truth is, we can't escape temptation and we can't escape sin. We live in a broken, fallen world, filled with depravity, violence, and the pressure to conform to sinful behavior. Paul reassures that we are not alone in this. The ancient Israelites fell prey to the temptation of idolatry, and every temptation we face today. So even when we feel alone in our sin, in reality what we are experiencing is...

The First Empty Tomb

Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58   Jesus is the only person who has an empty tomb. Everyone else who's died has returned to the dust, but Christ is alive and seated at the Father's right hand. Because He overcame death, His followers are also guaranteed empty tombs someday. When Jesus returns for His church, those who have died in Him will be resurrected into glorious bodies. And believers who are alive at that time will instantaneously be changed. Knowing this, we naturally wonder, What kind of body will I have? The best way to answer that is to see what Scripture reveals about Christ's body after He rose from the dead. He didn't come invisibly in the form of a ghost but rather had a literal, physical body. He talked, walked, and ate with His disciples. Yet although He was recognizable, He was somehow different, and at times it took His words or actions to jog their recognition. Here's one thing I can tell you about the resurrection: you will look...

Fighting Sin

Receive Today's passage: Romans 7:7-25   “I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do--this I keep on doing.”   Romans 7:18-19 Reflect *. With Christ's help, what struggle must I confront? *. Do I feel hopeless that I will never "win" the struggle against sin? *. Do I really believe that I am freed from sin through Jesus? It's true : We will never be free from sin. Each one of us will struggle with sin for the rest of our lives, and none of us is worse off, or better off, than the other. Not only are we flawed and broken, even when we know what the right choice is in our hearts, we still persist in our sinful nature. "When I want to do good, evil is right there with me," writes a frustrated Paul in Romans 7. "What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue m...

Christ Is Our Foundation

f Receive Today's passage: Revelation 1:4-8 “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father--to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.” Revelation 1:5-6 Reflect Am I ready to let Jesus Christ be the foundation in my life? Have I ever truly understood the magnitude of Jesus' love and sacrifice for me? How can I honor God in my everyday life with the glory that He deserves? We often get desensitized to the magnitude of Jesus' message. We've heard it so many times--some of us for our entire lives--we lose sight of what an incredible gift God gives us in His son, Jesus Christ. These two short verses, with their succinct emphasis on love, sacrifice, and service, encapsulate the essence of Jesus Christ: He loves us unconditionally, has freed us from sin forever, and has made us in His image to serve God. Think about the magnitude of that promise...

The Necessity of the Cross

Scriptures: Colossians 2:13-15 What does the cross mean to you? Many people in the world today view it as a symbol of Christianity, but stop and think about what it represented in Christ's day. Nobody wore a miniature cross around the neck or displayed one in a place of worship. The cross was a torturous means of execution, and the mere thought of it was repulsive. Yet believers throughout the ages have chosen this as the sign of their faith. In fact, to remove the cross from our teaching and theology would leave nothing but an empty, powerless religion. The subjects of death, blood, and sacrifice have become unpopular in many churches because they're unpleasant and uncomfortable topics. We'd prefer to hear about the love of God, not the suffering of Jesus. But let me ask you this : How could anyone be saved if Christ had not been crucified? Some people think all you have to do to receive God's forgiveness is ask Him for it. But a sinner's request c...

Where the Wrath and Love of God Meet

Sciptures: Romans 3:23-26  In our culture, sin is no longer considered an issue. Although some people might admit to making mistakes or being wrong, few will actually say, "I have sinned." The Lord, however, takes sin very seriously. Until we learn to see transgression as He does, we will never understand what happened at Christ's crucifixion. The cross was God's perfect answer to a terrible dilemma. Because the Lord is holy and just, He hates sin and must respond to it with punishment and wrath. Yet He also loves sinners and wants to be reconciled with them. The cross of Christ was the place where God's wrath and love collided. The only way to rescue fallen mankind from eternal punishment was to devise a plan whereby the Lord could forgive sins without compromising His holiness. There was no way to overlook transgressions; His wrath had to be poured out--either on us or a substitute. But there was only one possible substitute: the perfect Son of ...

Living by Faith

Receive Today's passage: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10   “Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. We live by faith, not sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”  2 Corinthians 5:6-8 Reflect *. What must I do to live by faith, not by sight? *.vWhat steps can I take to relinquish control and hand my life over to God? *. Do I truly trust that God is with me, even in times of trouble and even when I can't sense His presence? We live in a sight-based culture. So much of what we "know" about the world around us is based on what we see with our own eyes. Yet what happens when we see things we can't control, circumstances we can't fix? What happens when our loved one is dying before our very eyes and we can do nothing to help? Or when we witness abuse, poverty, sickness, violence, hunger, or homelessness and are po...

The Believer's Journey to the Cross

Scriptures: John 12:23-27   We all know that Jesus walked the road to Calvary, but did you know that believers also journey to the cross? We've all been positionally crucified with Christ, but those who hunger for Him participate in a deeper experience of this reality. Jesus lovingly takes their hand and leads them to the cross. Even though this is the last place anyone wants to go, it's the only way to partake of God's best for our lives. The trip to the cross is not one you take with family and friends. It's a lonely journey with just you and Jesus. He strips away everyone and everything you've depended on so that you'll learn to rely only on Him. While we're at the cross, He uncovers layer after layer of self-deception until we begin to see ourselves as He does. Soon our self-centeredness, inadequacy, and failures are laid bare. The cross is a place of brokenness, but it's necessary because there's no other way we'll ever bear ...

One in Christ

Receive Today's passage: Ephesians 2:11-22   “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.”   Ephesians 2:19-22 Reflect Why are selflessness and unity with other believers two keys to knowing and doing God's will? How does it feel to be a member of God's household? How can I make myself a better dwelling for God's Holy Spirit? It's a little intimidating to think of ourselves as part of God's own household, right there with the apostles and all the prophets, isn't it? It's hard to think of ourselves in the same league as, say, Paul or John, or Jer...

Life’s Great Liberator

Scriptures: Luke 4:16-21   From some people’s countenance, we judge them to be happy. Smiles, makeup, and stylish clothing can create an appearance of inner peace. Internally, though, many are in bondage. In today’s passage, Jesus clarifies His purpose: He has come to set free those in captivity. Christ was referring to several types of bonds that can imprison our souls. First , Jesus breaks the chains of sin. All people have broken God’s law and consequently live apart from Him (Rom. 3:23). But Christ’s death and resurrection free us when we accept His gift of forgiveness and place our trust in Him. Then we can have a relationship with the Lord. Secondly , He liberates us from persistent sins like jealousy, bitterness, and gluttony. His Spirit resides within each believer and provides the power to overcome wrong choices that seemed to “own” us. He enables us to do what He desires—by bringing immediate healing or by giving guidance and strength in the ongoing...

Doing God's Will

Receive Today's passage: Ezekiel 36:24-38   “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.”  Ezekiel 36:26-27 Reflect How does God enable my human spirit to do His will? God has given me a new heart, but am I allowing my heart to follow His will, or am I resisting in some way? Am I letting God move me or am I acting according to my own will? No matter how egregious our sins or how far we have fallen, God forgives us again and again, creating in us a new, clean spirit and offering us a fresh start. Then He goes a step further and breathes His own Holy Spirit into us, to serve as a Counselor and Guide and to lead us along the right path. The key, though, is that God also gives us free will, which allows us to decide whether we will follow His Spirit and His will, or whe...

Releasing Anxiety

Receive Today's passage: Luke 21:29-36 "I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." Luke 21:32-33 Reflect How can I overcome the anxieties of life? Do I turn to the Bible as a source of strength and hope, or am I looking for a quick fix to my problems? What does it mean to me when Jesus tells me this His words "will never pass away"? It's easy to feel lonely and isolated when we are in the midst of suffering and pain. We retreat into ourselves, forgetting that God reaches His hand to us, ready to rescue us from our suffering. We feel unstable, unbalanced, like the world is tilting off-kilter and the ground is shifting beneath our feet. Yet one thing remains steady, a rock-solid foundation in times of trouble: God's Word. "My words will never pass away," Jesus reminds us--they are al...

What Does It Mean to Be Saved

Scriptures: Psalms 25:12   What makes a person acceptable to God? The path to redemption begins not with the decision to live a better life or to stop doing something wrong, but with the realization that we cannot correct our sinful nature. To find favor with the Lord, we must grasp that it's impossible to make ourselves righteous; instead, we need to depend on the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. When we trust in Christ as our Savior, God the Father applies the benefit of Jesus' atoning sacrifice to our sin debt, thereby making us “saved, or acceptable in His eyes.” Your good works and righteous acts are of absolutely no value in the mind of God. Compared to others' actions, your generosity and good works might seem like enough to bring favor with the Lord, but Jesus said, "Not as a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Eph. 2:9). When you stand before God, the only way you can be forgiven of your sins is through Jesus Christ and His sacrifi...