The Simple Truths Of Life

"A tree planted by a river derives its strength and nourishment from the river and produces abundant fruit."  (see Jeremiah 17:7-8)

So often we tend to overlook the simple truths of life and forget that the profound is usually revealed in the simple, we can act out what we are not, an apple can only reproduce apples, because that’s what it is at its core, if we have an issue with anger, then no matter how kind and demure we try to act, eventually a challenging situation will arise and we’ll blow! As long as that anger goes unchecked and unhealed in our souls, we will continue to produce the fruit of anger. The same holds true for fear, jealousy, depression, low self-esteem, and so much more. Many of us miss out on the abundant life that Jesus has for us because we haven’t taken an honest look at our spiritual core and recognized that our souls need some work, and forced to examine the fruit of our own life, realized that we lacked any real deep joy and was only happy when things were going our way. Instead of having any peace, we were constantly striving for perfection and approval. we only had one speed, and that was supercharged. we don’t think, even knew how to spell the word “patience”, we wanted instantly everything always.  Regardless of how strong and whole we think we are, we must remember we’re all on the journey to Christlikeness and Christian maturity. This maturity is reflected in the alignment of our inner and outer worlds. But the road to maturity is always a process. As we choose to allow God to enlarge, stretch, and strengthen our soul, we will be able to fulfill a second facet of the Great Commandment: loving God with all our soul. And as our core begins to change, the spiritual fruit will become the mark that defines us as followers of Christ. This outflow of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control won’t be temporary or shallow, because true and lasting transformation has taken place.  That’s the beauty of a soul restored, renewed, and ultimately reborn: When our inner and outer worlds flow from the grace of Christ, we won’t have to strive to act like a Christian, because we will simply be one.  Hallelujah, God bless


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