Divine Appointments

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."   (Matthew 5:4)

There is something good waiting beyond disappointment for each of us. There are appointments that God has destined. There are good works for each of us to do. And isn’t it interesting that the word appointment comes from within the word disappointment?  I’ve often marveled at that because I’ve seen again and again how disappointments take something from us: a dream, a piece of our hearts—maybe whole chucks of it. But disappointment leaves something too: a gift, an opportunity, the possibility of creating change. This means we can move from the valley of the shadow of death to new horizons and bring others with us on that road.  The enemy would like us to feel such a depth of disappointment that we never find our way back to the plan God has for us. If he can convince us to stay stuck in our disappointment, we’ll miss many of our future God appointments. I realize that some disappointments seem so big that we can’t imagine ever being able to move beyond them. We ask deep questions and they go unanswered. For example, when someone dear to us dies, no explanation will satisfy the questions crying out inside, they had many unanswered questions. They struggled mightily but they didn’t try to answer them. Instead, they determined to walk down that road of disappointment and heartbreak with Jesus. On the funeral, still burdened with pain, sorrow, and grief, their family made a decision. Even though they did not understand why this tragedy had occurred, they would continue to trust God. They would keep on believing his promises. But even for these tragedies, God has made a way.  They proclaimed at the funeral: Today is a sad day, but it is not a bad day. The devil thinks he has the victory, but our dearest one is alive with his Jesus, and is partying in heaven. The devil has not won. We are not burying him today, but we are sowing him as seed into the soil of this nation. We believe in a mighty harvest of people to spring forth. Out of one death, there shall arise new life. Their words said, this family bruised by grief but beautiful with belief stood silently. There is a road through disappointment, and is not an end but an opportunity for a divine appointment. One disappointment, or even more than one, does not mean that all the good works God ordained for us long before we were born are now impossible. There are still many ahead of us, beyond the disappointment. We can choose to allow God to propel us into the next chapter of good works God has destined for us.  Hallelujah God bless


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