Have You Lost Communion With Christ

"I sought him, but I did not find him."   [Song of Songs 3: 1]

Tell me where you lost communion with Christ, and I will tell you the most likely place you found him. Have you lost Christ in prayer because prayer rooms are hampered? Then that is where you should look for and find him. Did you lose Christ as a result of sin? There is no other way for you to find Christ but to stop committing it, and through the Holy Spirit trying to turn off the limb where passion lives. Did you lose Christ by ignoring the Bible? You must find Christ in the Bible. How true this saying, "Look for something in the place where you dropped it, because that is where it is." So look for Christ in the place where you lose him, because he has not gone from there. But back to Christ is hard work. Bunyan tells the story, the pilgrim found the piece of the road back to the Arbor of Ease [1], where he lost his roll, of his own, is the hardest he's ever been through. Advanced twenty miles easier than retreat a mile looking for the missing evidence. Therefore, when you find your master, make sure you are closely attached to him. But how can you miss him? People thought you would never part with precious Your friend, that his presence is so sweet, that his word is so entertaining, and being with him so mean to you! How could you not watch all the time for fear of losing sight of him? Even so, because you have to let him go, how sorry you are looking for him, even though you moan sadly, "I wish I knew where I could find him!" Keep looking, because it's not with thy Lord dangerous. Without Christ, you are like a sheep without a shepherd; like a tree without water in its roots, like withered leaves in the middle of a hurricane-not related to the tree of life. Wholeheartedly seek Him, and He will you find: just hand over the whole of you to look for, and in fact, you will find Him with joy and delight.  Hallelujah God bless
[1] Arbour of Ease


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