Today, I Put You First

So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  (Matthew 6:34)

Most people are being crucified between two thieves: yesterday and tomorrow.They kill today because of what happened yesterday, and they are too scared today because of what may happen tomorrow. Do you know that today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday?

In other words, as long as you are on earth, you will never run out of tomorrows. There will always be a tomorrow. So until you learn to make today what today is supposed to be—to embrace today, seize it—then you will perpetually live your life either being bound by yesterday or tomorrow, or even chained between both.

I would like to challenge you to change one thing and watch that one thing change everything else: When you put God first, all else will fall in place. Make Him first in your thoughts, hopes, and decisions. Put Him first in how you spend your time. Place Him first in how you view the world around you. Please Him first, honor Him first, give to Him first … and all else will get in line.

God doesn’t say that to put Him first is a request. This is a demand from a deserving King. But when you choose to obey this principle in your life, you will reap the benefits of experiencing the abundant life Christ came that you may have. God’s got your back when you put Him first. He has you covered when you place His will and His kingdom as the first priority in all that you do, say, and think.

Reflection: How are “yesterday”and “tomorrow” thieves? How does placing God first rob these thieves of their power?

I can’t change yesterday, nor can I control tomorrow. But I do have a say in what happens today—what I think, what I choose, what I do. Today, I put You first. Thank You for today!”

Dr. Tony Evans


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