God Love Stands-Firm Forever

"I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself." (Psalm 89:2 NIV).

Human love wears out; that’s why we have so many divorces. I know a lot of people who are not divorced, but they don’t love their spouses anymore. There’s a limit to human love. It dries up!  That’s why you have to have God’s love in your marriage — in all your relationships — if they are going to last. God’s love never wears out. God’s love is patient, persistent, and persevering.  Isn’t it good news that God never gives up on you? No matter what you do, his love never gives up. It’s wide enough to include everybody, and it’s long enough to last forever.
God will never love you any more than he does right now. But he also will never love you any less than he does right now.  He loves you on your good days; he loves you on your bad days. His love is not conditioned by your response. God is love, and his love is given freely. It cannot be earned, and it is undeserved.

Accept his love and worship him, knowing that his love is long enough to last for all time:

" I will sing of the Lord ’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. " (Psalm 89:1 NIV).


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