We Will be With The Lord Forever

"After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever."  [1 Thessalonians 4:17]

One time we saw him, and we are excited with joy unspeakable and full of glory, but a little time passes and we do not see Him, because our Beloved withdraws him from us; like a gazelle or a young deer jumping over the mountains dividing, he had gone to the plains of spices, and no longer tending sheep in the midst of the lilies [Song of Songs 2:16].  "If today he refused to bless us, with a sense of forgiveness of sins, and maybe tomorrow He might be stifling us, and makes us feel the plague on the inside.". Oh, how sweet hope in the future when we no longer see him from a distance, but to see him face to face: when he is no longer as travelers who stay overnight, but in eternity wrap us in the lap of his glory. We will not see him for a few seasons, but "Millions of our eyes will be amazed explore the beauty of our Savior;
Countless times we will adore the wonders of His love."  In heaven, anxiety and sin no longer blocking; cries no longer dim our eyes; worldly matters is no longer obscure our mind happy; we no longer have to look at the obstacles constantly to the Sun of Righteousness with eyes that never tired. Oh, if you see him at all times just been so sweet, especially looking at the holy face it, when no clouds are rolling in the way, and do not need to turn our eyes to the world-weary and wretched! Blessed day, when did you arrive? Rise, Oh unsetting sun, never goes down! The sense of joy can leave us as soon as he wants, because it will replace. If death means enter into communion with Jesus without a hitch, it is true that the die is gain, and was swallowed by the sea dark droplets victory. Hallelujah, God bless


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