Meet With God

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?”  Psalm 42:1-2

The deer is out of breath and out of strength. Running through the mountains has exhausted his body but focused his mind. There is one thing he can think about ... one thing he needs. He yearns for a mountain stream, running with cold, refreshing water. He pants for water, and searches where to find it in order to satisfy his thirst.

The psalmist likens the deer's quest for water to his desire for God. As every part of the deer desires a drink, so every part of the psalmist craves God. His inward parts thirst for the living God. He wants to be near God, wants to enjoy God, wants to experience God and wants to be satisfied by God.

That's not only the desire of the psalmist, is it? You and I want the same thing. We have tried many things that left our souls dry. We have sampled the world's offerings without being satisfied. We have hiked the dead-end trails and scaled the wrong mountains. It's time to meet with God. Thankfully, we need not look for Him; He has made Himself known to us through Christ.

“Father, allow all those who are thirsty to look up and see You. Allow all those who are hungry to be filled by You alone. Thank You for coming to us, revealing Yourself to us, and satisfying our deepest longings. In Jesus' name. Amen.”

Ron Moore


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