Sing a New Song

"Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him." Psalm 98:1

Many years ago, we had Sunday evening services at our church where people could stand up and share a short devotion. Every year, the parents of a longtime member would visit and his father would share. The first time that I heard the father speak, it was amazing. He took an obscure passage of the Old Testament and made it come alive. When he visited the next year, he shared from the same passage. It was still pretty good. Then the next year ... same passage. And the next year ... same passage. The first year I heard the guy, I likened him to a Bible-teaching John Wayne. By year five I saw him as Barney Fife. The guy only had one teaching bullet! 

I have seen more than a few people get stuck in a spiritual rut. Every time you talk with them, God is "teaching them" from the same passage. They praise God for the same things, struggle with the same sin and ask the same questions. Like an athlete still talking about their touchdown run to win the championship twenty-five years ago, some believers are stuck in time. But look at today's passage. It is time to "sing to the LORD a new song." 

God's past faithfulness gives me confidence. God's future promises give me hope. But it is God's work in my life today that refreshes my relationship with Him. Look around you. He is doing marvelous things in your life. He is moving you forward with spiritual victories. He is stretching you with challenging times. He is causing you to depend on Him. Today He is forming you into what He needs you to be tomorrow. His mercies are new every morning. It's time to sing a new song!

“Father, please don't let me get stuck in a spiritual rut. Refresh me for the journey today, and put a new song in my heart! In Jesus' name. Amen.”

Ron Moore


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