Did God Make Me Gay?

Honor God With Your Sexuality:
Did God make me gay?

Another feature of life in the 21st century is that living the gay lifestyle has come out of the closet. Now that TV shows celebrate gay life and legitimize gay and lesbian heroes, it must be okay, right? “Homophobia” is added to the list of universally condemned cultural sins, along with anti-Semitism and racial prejudice.

One of the most powerful arguments made by gay apologists who try still to be Christian is that “God made me this way.” It seems undeniable that some people do indeed have a natural inclination (i.e., weakness) for such feelings and activity. But that does not make it right, any more than the fact that some people seem unusually susceptible to alcoholism, violence, or lying and conclude that God made them that way.

Here is what God thinks about a homosexual lifestyle: "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was
meet."  ~Romans 1:27 (KJV)

We do our gay friends no kindness by helping them justify sin. True love seeks to help people who struggle in this way to get help in redirecting their emotional desires, or at least trusting God enough to live a life of chastity. God bless


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