He Loved Us

What Has God Done for Me?
He loved us

“All You Need Is Love” was a hit anthem for the Beatles in 1967. It’s kind of a hippie cliché, isn’t it? And yet it’s true. We are all hungry, even starving, for love. We all need to be validated, to be of value to somebody. How could we trust in a God whom we feared or who seemed to despise us?

But here’s what’s really going on: in his personal love letter to the human race, which we call the Bible, God sets us free from the terrible pressure of self-justification. He went first.

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10).

This is love: to be willing to go first to restore a relationship. This is love: to inconvenience yourself to bring good things to someone else. This is love: to show kindness and mercy to someone smaller and lowlier than you. This is love: to see worth even in someone who is bad. God is love. All you need is God. God bless


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