Social Justice

"He defends the cause of the fatherless
and the widow, and loves the foreigner
residing among you, giving them food
and clothing."  Deuteronomy 10:18 (NIV)

It's simply wrong to see or hear of someone in need and do absolutely nothing. Let me explain...

Awhile ago, the Lord revealed to me just how strongly He feels about wanting me to work for justice for the oppressed. It's part of His calling for all in the body of Christ. He's been looking for people to help the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed, the poor, the lonely and forgotten since He gave the law in Old Testament times.

Speaking through Moses, He said :
“Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. Exodus 22:22 (NIV)

God is not partial,.
"He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing."  Deuteronomy 10:18 (NIV).

God told the people that if they fed the strangers, the widows and the fatherless, He would bless the work of their hands (see Deuteronomy 14:29).

Some of the most lonely and forgotten people in the world today are the girls who have been forced into prostitution in order to survive, the orphan boy in Africa whose parents have died of AIDS, the prisoner who spends day after day alone in a prison cell, the homeless man living on the streets...there are plenty of people in need out there.

This can all seem overwhelming, and you might be thinking, "What can I do about this?' God has taught me that while I cannot solve everything, if I relieve the suffering of just one person, I am making a difference.

Please don't think that what you have to give isn't enough. The hurting, broken, hungry and homeless are all around. Will you help them today?

Prayer Starter: Lord, You clearly care about helping those who are poor and lonely. Give me Your heart for justice and show me the hurting and broken that You want me to help. God bless.


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